If you’ve lived in the DFW area for any length of time you’ll be accustomed to hearing stories of the paranormal. From Arlington to Fort Worth and Dallas, there are many ghost stories and legends that go back generations! From haunted lakes and cemeteries to haunted hotels and even haunted theme parks, Dallas-Fort Worth is a real ghost hunters paradise.

So, let’s take a look at the most haunted places in DFW, shall we?

1. Sons of Hermann Hall, Dallas

Sons of Hermann Hall
3414 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75226

Sons of Hermann Hall came about in 1910. When four independent lodges joined together to form one large, united, lodge. The grand opening for Sons of Hermann Hall took place in 1911.

In its more than 100 year history, the Hall has served as a gathering place for an assortment of activities. Most notably music and swing dancing lessons.

The Hall remains open to the public. It is important to note, that anyone visiting the Hall for drinks, live music, swing dancing, or other entertainment should be prepared for a potential encounter with spirits of the past.

People have heard children laughing when none are present. Some have seen the former caretaker, a loving couple, and even patrons dressed in their finest, ready to attend concerts of the past.

People have seen and heard doors slam and paintings randomly fall off the walls.

2. W.E Scott Theatre, Fort Worth

W.E Scott Theatre
3505 W Lancaster Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107

The ghost that’s believed to be haunting the theatre is said to be Mr. Scott himself. He has been spotted on a number of occasions and is apparently just keeping an eye on his investment since he will often straighten pictures that are hanging crooked!

Mr. Scott is not alone in the building. There is a second ghost in residence who is thought to be the spirit of Kenneth Walker, a stagehand who hanged himself in the prop room in 1970.

He is said to make an appearance dressed in a brown suit as he walks across the stage. He has also been heard laughing from under the stage as well.

3. Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington

Six Flags Over Texas Arlington
2201 E Road to Six Flags St, Arlington, TX 76010

Six Flags Over Texas was the brainchild of Texas oilman, Angus G. Wynne, Jr. He wanted to create a theme park that would surpass Disneyland in size and would be accessible to more people. With that in mind, he opened Six Flags Over Texas in 1961.

The theme park offers a number of rides and activities to do for all who attend. Though park goers, will have a wide variety of experiences, the ones of the supernatural nature, are most likely the least expected.

Ghosts have been spotted in multiple areas around the park. Including the Candy Store, the Music Mill, the Palace, as well as places like the Log Ride that are open areas.

One of the most famous ghosts in the park is a little girl named Annie, who spends her time at the Candy Store. According to stories, another girl died at the age of 8 when she drowned in Johnson’s Creek. Her ghost visits an old farmhouse that now resides in the park, she is known to walk along local railroad tracks.

Other activities include lights turning on and off, curtains opening, doors slamming shut, and doors not remaining locked.  Employees of the theme park have experienced the sensation of being touched and cold spots.

Learn more about the haunted Six Flags Over Texas

4. Fort Worth Zoo, Fort Worth

Fort Worth Zoo
1989 Colonial Pkwy, Fort Worth, TX 76110

Fort Worth Zoo is considered to be one of the top five zoos in the United States and despite the fact that it hosts regular ‘spooky sleepovers’, only a handful of people know that the zoo is one of the most haunted locations in Fort Worth!

The zoo is believed to be haunted by former animal trainer Michael A. Bell who was crushed to death by one of the elephants in his care in 1987! He was crushed by a four-ton bull elephant whilst attempting to move him and two females into a larger enclosure. The male decided to assert himself as the dominant male, crushing Bell in the process!

Ever since this tragic accident, visitors to the zoo have reported seeing the ghostly apparition of a man walking near the elephant and zebra exhibits. However, Bell is certainly not alone in haunting the zoo. There have also been numerous reports of a lady in white 19th-century clothing complete with a parasol pacing back and forth in front of the zoo cafe! Nobody is sure who this lady is, but her spirit is seen regularly.

5. Millermore House, Dallas Heritage Village, Dallas

An image of the reportedly haunted Millermore House at the Dallas Heritage Village, Dallas TX

Dallas Heritage Village is the location of a collection of Victorian and 19th-century pioneer homes. Some of the buildings in the village date back to the 1800s.

The Millermore Mansion is an impressive sight. Not only for its size and design but also for the presence of paranormal activity!  People have reported seeing a female ghost near the sickroom and nursery on the second floor of the Millermore. Unusual and sudden drops in temperatures in the nursery have been reported by guests and employees.

With so many people dying from infectious diseases, such as smallpox, diphtheria, and pneumonia prior to vaccinations. It is understandable that their spirits could remain.

It has also been noted that spirits related to gang murder, in the 1920s are found in the Law Office Building.

6. Artisan Center Theatre, Arlington

Artisan Center Theatre

The Artisan Center Theatre is technically in Hurst, but it is just a couple of miles from Arlington so still deserves a spot on the list! It was originally known as the Belaire Theatre and it is said to be haunted by the spirit of a former employee who died of a heart attack while he was on duty.

However, this former projectionist is not on his own because there have also been sightings of a young female ghost who several people claim to have actually interacted with and also a male spirit named Neil is not a very nice entity at all.

There are frequent reports of unexplained sounds around the theater, disembodied voices, faucets that come on and off by themselves and flickering lights.

7. Old Heron Castle, Fort Worth

Lake Worth Castle
9115 Heron Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76108

If one sort of building is going to have a ghost story, then surely it has to be a castle and this one certainly does not disappoint!

The castle was rebuilt on the shore of Lake Worth by one of its former owners and it is said to be haunted by the spirit of a young man who is often seen wandering around the castle grounds, although there are reports of him making an appearance inside the castle as well on the odd occasion.

Another spirit that has been reported is Lake Worth’s ‘Runaway Bride’. Many visitors say that they have seen the ghostly bride as she runs across the entrance road leading up to the castle before promptly disappearing!

8. River Legacy Park, Arlington

River Legacy Park actually features several haunted hotspots within the park. In fact, there are at least two hotspots with paranormal activity here each with their own creepy tales to tell.

The first stop would be ‘Hell’s Gate’. This is a long trail that has thick swamps and large trees on either side. Local legend claims that this was the trail walked by captured Union Army spies when they were being taken to be hanged.

If that isn’t creepy enough, then your next spot is an area close to Hell’s Gate where a red-haired apparition dressed in a Confederate General’s uniform is often seen on a narrow path and sometimes people hear moaning off to the side of the track.

Screaming Bridge is another of the haunted sites in River Legacy Park. The history here is that a car full of kids perished in a car accident whilst crossing over the Trinity River on a narrow bridge.

Nowadays the narrow bridge is open to foot traffic only, but the spirits of those who perished in the accident still linger here. Witnesses have said that if you walk this trail at night you might glimpse an apparition of tombstones in the water. One for each of the deaths.

Learn more on the haunted River Legacy Park, Arlington

9. Thistle Hill, Fort Worth

Thistle Hill
1509 Pennsylvania Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104,

Thistle Hill dates back to around 1903 when it was built for Ms. Electra Waggoner Wharton, the daughter of a very wealthy rancher and oilman named William ‘Tom’ Waggoner.

These days, this historic residence serves as a venue for private events, although tours are also available.

The tales of Thistle Hill being haunted did not start until the 1970s when it is believed that some renovation work in the property disturbed the spirits who were resting there. Ever since then, two apparitions have regularly been spotted around the property.

The lady in white is said to appear on the landing of the main grand staircase, while a gentleman wearing tennis clothes and sporting a handlebar mustache. Visitors have also reported hearing phantom music drifting from the ballroom as well as some phantom footsteps and disembodied voices.

10. Goatman’s Bridge, Denton

Goatmans Bridge
Old Alton Bridge, Argyle, TX 76226

Goatman’s Bridge, or the Old Alton Bridge as some call it, has a long history of creepy and mysterious happenings, dating back to the 1930s.

There is a long-held belief that a half-goat, half-man lives near to the bridge and terrorizes people near it. It is believed to be the ghost of a local goat farmer, who was lynched on the bridge by the KKK.

Following the lynching, people over the years claimed that there have been mysterious disappearances when people visit the bridge at night.

Many attribute the disappearances and the overwhelmingly uncomfortable and scary feeling to the spirit of the Goatman. There are people that also believe a young woman haunts the bridge, as she is searching for her missing child.

The bridge has in fact featured on many paranormal TV shows, which has reportedly conjured up even more paranormal activity in the area!

Read more of the haunted Goatman’s Bridge, Denton TX

11. Lost Cemetery of Infants, Arlington

Society has changed so much over the years, but back in 1894 things were very different especially if you were an unmarried mother.

In fact, they were more or less considered social pariahs and were shunned by those in ‘polite society’. This is what prompted the Reverend James Tony Upchurch to establish the Berachah Industrial Home for the Redemption and Protection of Erring Girls.

This was a place where young ‘fallen’ women could learn useful skills that could be used in the workplace allowing them to rejoin society following the birth of their child.

Over time, the institution managed to evolve into a village that was pretty much self-sufficient.

However, by 1935 it had become an orphanage, presumably for the children of these erring girls. Today all that remains of the land is a graveyard known as the Lost Cemetery of Infants.

The majority of the graves here are for stillborn children or those who died soon after birth due to complications and/or birth defects.

It is fairly hidden, but those who have managed to find it has described seeing shadowy figures darting between the trees and feeling as though they are being watched.

There are also reports of disembodied children’s voices and instances of small toys appearing or disappearing from the graves.

12. La Quinta Inn & Suites, Dallas Downtown (formerly the Hotel Lawrence)

When the La Quinta Inn & Suites first opened in 1925, it was the Scott Hotel. Initially, the hotel was for people traveling into the city through Union Station. Eventually, the hotel underwent many changes and became a popular destination.

Throughout its history, La Quinta Inn & Suites has been the site of some horrible violence.

There have been a few murders and deaths in the hotel. One of the ghosts that haunt the hotel is a murder victim, by the name of Jack “Smiley” Jackson.

The claim is that unless you politely ask him to move, he will hold the door to room 1009 shut. Another man had his throat cut, in the same room.

Additional deaths include a congressman who committed suicide and a woman who either fell or was pushed from the tenth floor. With so many deaths at the hotel, it is not unusual for people to see ghosts, hear footsteps, and see things move on their own.

Learn more about the haunted La Quinta Inn and Suites Downtown Dallas

13. Arlington Music Hall, Arlington

Arlington Music Hall

Arlington Music Hall is apparently haunted by a resident spook that has been nicknamed Fred.

The venue’s former owner Jean Collins says that she has heard an invisible being moving around on stage with her and she has also experienced lights coming back on after being completely switched off as have many of her employees.

Fred is not just confined to the music hall either! The owner of ‘Babe’s Chicken Dinner House’ next door claims that he has seen Fred wander around the restaurant on occasion and he even approached the owner on one occasion and told him that he used to live here!

Fred is considered to be friendly and doesn’t mean any harm, as was once confirmed during a paranormal investigation when a female voice was captured as an EVP saying that Fred is a good man!

See more haunted places in Arlington TX

14. Majestic Theater, Dallas

Majestic Theater Dallas
1925 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75201

The Majestic Theater opened its doors on April 11, 1921. It was home to vaudeville performers and other people including, Bob Hope, Harry Houdini, Mae West, and Jack Benny.

The Majestic was closed for a time, for renovations then reopened to play host to everything from plays, to concerts, and comedy acts to name a few.

The Majestic is also home to a number of spooky happenings. Like other haunted places mentioned here, people have heard doors opening and closing, footsteps when no one is around, lights illuminating, with no explanation.

Others have reported seeing shadows and the smell of odd fragrances.

15. White Rock Lake & Flag Pole Hill, Dallas

white rock lake ghost hunt
Perhaps the most infamous ghost story in all DFW is the one about the lady of the lake!

Anyone who has been to Dallas or who lives near there knows of one area that needs to be avoided at night if at all possible.

Legend tells of a young woman who stopped a passer-by for a lift home in their car, only for the driver to arrive at the woman’s home to find nothing but a puddle of water on the back seat and the woman nowhere to be seen. Upon knocking on the door to check if she had already gone inside, an older gentleman answered, the driver described the girl to the gentleman only for him to say that yes that was his daughter but she had died many years prior, she had tragically drowned in White Rock Lake!

There have also been countless people who have heard or been witness to, rocks being thrown at cars on the road from Flag Pole Hill. If that is not strange enough, people have also stated, that ghosts have hit cars while on the road.

The cause of the haunting at Flag Pole Hill is debated, with some connecting it to a past slaughter of Native Americans on the land, with others insisting it’s the result of murder-suicides at the nearby White Rock Lake and Blackbird Lane. 

Learn more about the haunted White Rock Lake, Dallas

16. Miss Molly’s Hotel, Forth Worth Stockyards

Miss Molly’s Hotel
109 W Exchange Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76164

Miss Molly’s Hotel has long been considered to be one of the most haunted locations in Fort Worth. This does not really come as much of a big surprise since the bed & breakfast is nestled right in the heart of Fort Worth’s historic stockyards!

The hotel is known to attract mainly two types of guests in more or less equal measures – Wild West romantics and paranormal enthusiasts!

Miss Molly’s started out life as an upscale boarding house called The Palace Rooms in 1910. A short time later it became a speakeasy during the prohibition era before falling on hard times and doing a stint as a bordello!

In recent years it has become more and more known as a haunted location with a number of tragic entities circa the 1940s and 1950s making themselves known.

Most of the spirits seem to be women and they include murdered prostitutes and a lady who died from lung disease. What is the most intriguing part is that according to visiting mediums, none of the ladies seemed aware that they had passed away!

Over the years, many guests have reported seeing pretty female spirits appearing at the foot of their bed, especially in the Cattlemen’s Room. There are also reports of a young girl being spotted and she is believed to have died of typhoid in the 19th century.

The spirits here are highly active. Just some of the paranormal activity that they engage in includes creating cold spots, moving guests’ belongings, leaving coins on random surfaces, making the lights flicker, causing unexplained smells and creating shadows.

Read on the find more on the haunted Miss Molly’s Hotel, Fort Worth Stockyards

17. Baker Hotel, Mineral Wells

Baker Hotel Mineral Wells
Location: Baker Hotel, 201 E Hubbard St, Mineral Wells, TX 76067

The Baker Hotel with more than 400 rooms on 14 floors, opened its doors to the public in 1929.

It offered relaxation, visitors enjoyed spa-like treatments, massages, incredible food, and beverages.

Many famous entertainers and figures of the 30s, 40s, and 50s visited the Baker, including Helen Keller, Judy Garland, Will Rogers, Sammy Kaye, and even Bonnie and Clyde.

See also: Haunted Houses in DFW

The Baker witnessed many deaths during its time. As a result, people have witnessed paranormal activity at the hotel.

One common occurrence is the appearance of orbs in photographs of the Baker. Housekeepers have found glasses, with red lipstick stains in unoccupied rooms.

People have claimed to see the ghost of a little boy in a wheelchair and the ghost of a woman known as the lady in white.

Read more about the haunted Baker Hotel, Mineral Wells TX

18. The Adolphus Hotel, Dallas

The Adolphus Dallas
Location: 1321 Commerce St, Dallas, TX 75202 | Check Availability

When things were booming in Dallas, there was a need for a grand hotel and Adolphus Busch came through for the city. By 1912, the Adolphus Hotel opened its doors to the public.

The hotel has played host to everyone from royalty, to presidents, to business moguls, and other famous individuals.

Not only is it renowned for its opulence, but guests and employees of The Adolphus have also reported a number of hauntings over the years here. There are people who feel like they are being followed or watched when no one is there. People have felt someone tapping on their shoulders when no one was near them.

Related: The Most Haunted Hotels in DFW

There are individuals who have seen windows fly open, heard the slamming of doors, as well as heard footsteps outside rooms when no one is in the hallway. On the 19th floor, people have reported seeing the spirit of a woman, who reportedly hung herself, after her fiancé did not show up for the ceremony. People have also heard the sound of the same woman crying.

If you’re looking for a luxurious place to stay that also has the added bonus of being haunted, then The Adolphus seems to be a perfect choice!

Learn more about the haunted Adolphus Hotel, Dallas