The city of St. Augustine in Florida has a number of monikers. It is deemed one of the most haunted cities in the entire United States as well as being called the “Nation’s Oldest City.”
People who live in the city and those that visit enjoy all of the history and adventures that the city offers.
The city also offers the novice ghost hunter as well as the more professional ghost hunters with the opportunity to explore any number of places considered haunted.
Join us as we take a creepy tour of the most haunted places in St. Augustine.
1. Casa de la Paz

In the early 1900s the Casa de la Paz served as a bed and breakfast in the area. People who had the opportunity to stay in the Queen Isabella room may have sensed the presence of someone else in the room.
It is believed that after losing her husband, Miss Mabel remained in that room until she died a short time later. People who have been in that room say Miss Mabel moves objects around and sometimes is seen holding a suitcase inquiring of the shocked guests when they would be leaving.
There is also a ghost of a man with a handlebar mustache and a young boy that have been spotted at the former bed and breakfast.
2. Flagler College – Ponce De Leon Hall

Long before Ponce de Leon Hall became part of Flagler College it was Ponce de Leon Hotel. It is said that on the fourth floor of the building lived Henry Flagler’s mistress.
Many students and staff members who have been to that floor of Ponce de Leon Hall claim it is possible to catch a glimpse of Henry Flagler’s face.
Most of the paranormal activity revolves around his mistress’s former room. There is such an eerie and uneasy feeling in that room no one will stay in it.
The lights in that room randomly turn on and off at will as well. Furthermore people have heard what sounds like a woman crying in that room, as well as other odd noises.
3. 26 Toques Place

The former Bed & Breakfast that resides at 26 Toques Place once served as a servants quarters. It was moved to its current location after the main house on the estate burned to the ground.
People have experienced different activity in the home. There are stories saying the walls bleed while a mirror in one of the home’s bathrooms displays the word “hi” randomly.
Ghost hunters have said they have witnessed the ghost of an old woman on the property as well as seeing a little girl who had been shot in the head and a little boy sitting on the front steps.
Although the activity had stopped for a time, renovations to the property appear to have caused the paranormal activity to return.
4. Huguenot Cemetery

In the early 1820s there was a need for a cemetery for victims of yellow fever as well as people who were not practicing Catholics. The need led to the opening of the Huguenot Cemetery.
There are so many people buried in the cemetery that it was closed due to overcrowding. With so many people calling the cemetery their final resting place it is not unusual that there is a tremendous amount of paranormal activity at the location.
One of the most famous spirits haunting the cemetery is Judge John B. Stickney. Despite the fact his adult children has his body exhumed when they moved from the area his spirit remains.
Witnesses have claimed to see him walking around the cemetery while others have seen him sitting under a tree. Further witness claims state that he appears to be looking for something.
Perhaps he is looking for the items that were stolen from his grave during his exhumation. The Judge is not the only one that visitors and ghost hunters venturing to the cemetery may encounter.
There have been reports of seeing shadows lurking around the cemetery as well as people making claims they have seen floating orbs while others believe someone from the beyond touched them while wandering around the cemetery.
5. The Old Jail

Henry Flagler did not have comfort in mind when he built the Old Jail. The Old Jail, which opened in 1891, housed both male and female criminals in some of the most inhumane conditions imaginable.
People died at the Old Jail by execution as well as illnesses caused by the Old Jail’s living conditions. The number of ghost sightings and paranormal experiences are so numerous at the Old Jail it is no wonder it is amongst the most haunted locations in St. Augustine.
Ghost hunters who have explored the Old Jail have experienced everything from hearing the sounds of disembodied voices, to hearing moaning, shouting, and even footsteps.
To add to the eeriness of the footsteps, people have heard what sounds like chains attached to the moving feet. People have made claims that they were pushed or tripped by a ghost when visiting one of the women’s cells.
Different apparitions have been spotted around the jail. One was spotted in the kitchen hallway; one was in a chair, while another disappeared into a wall.
In addition to it being a museum, you can also book some after-hours spookiness at the Old Jail. Tickets are available through Trolley Tours and include a 2 hour and 30 minute paranormal investigation!
6. Castillo de San Marcos

If you want to see one of the oldest and creepiest places in St. Augustine then you need to venture to Castillo de San Marcos. Being one of America’s most haunted forts, history buffs and ghost hunters alike head to the “Old Fort” that has been around since 1672.
The Old Fort saw numerous bloody battles over the years. It also has a dungeon that was utilized on multiple occasions. According to people who have ventured to the location, visits to the dungeon have left people feeling physically ill, while others have gotten goosebumps or felt a cold wind.
Some ghost hunters and visitors have even spotted a uniformed soldier looking out at the ocean when the sun is either rising or setting.
It is not uncommon for people visiting to capture ghosts, odd lights, unusual mists, and orbs in videos and photographs.
On nights where the weather is rather stormy, a light in the watchtower shines bright, for the ghost hunters this is a thrilling experience as no power source of any kind goes to that particular light.
The Castillo de San Marcos is open to the public every day apart from some holidays. You can access the monument from 9:00 a.m. with the last admision at 5:00 p.m.
7. Spanish Military Hospital museum

Built in the late 18th Century, then reconstructed roughly 50 years later, the Spanish Military Hospital is no stranger to ghostly sightings and unusual paranormal activity.
People who have worked in the hospital or even those who have visited claim they often feel as though they were being watched and that an evil presence fills the hospital.
Some attribute these feelings to the trauma and death suffered by patients in the hospital, others attribute it to the fact it was built over an Indian burial ground belonging to the Timucuan tribe.
There have been sightings of misty figures that appear to be former patients in their hospital gowns. Beds have displayed the outline of a person lying on them when no one has gone near the beds.
Furthermore, hearing screams, moans, and people crying is not unheard of when visiting the hospital.
If you wanted to get a closer look for potential ghosts, then you can visit the museum through the day. Admission is $14.95 for adults, and $5.95 for kids.
8. Casablanca Inn on the Bay

The Casablanca Inn is a wonderful location where people could enjoy views of the Matanzas Bay. In its early years the older woman who owned the Inn fell on tough times, as a result she befriended bootleggers.
To let them know if the coast was clear she would shine a light from one of the second story windows. It is not uncommon to see a light shining brightly from that same window today.
The key difference is that the light comes from a lantern that no one is physically holding. Guests who have stayed in the Inn claim lights on lamps not plugged in would turn on.
There are also numerous unexplained sounds and the feeling someone is in the room with you.
9. St Augustine Lighthouse

People looking to investigate one of the most haunted places in St. Augustine, Florida will make their way to the St. Augustine Lighthouse. The Lighthouse and the surrounding area have seen countless tragic accidents and deaths since its construction back in 1873.
There are those that say that three young girls who drowned near the lighthouse remain in the area. People have spotted them swinging on the swings on the grounds, while other people have only hear the sounds of the girls laughing and playing.
Additionally, there are some stories by locals stating that in the windows of a house on the grounds, people have seen the faces of kids believed to have died in the area.
There has been such notoriety around the stories of paranormal activity that the well-known ghost hunting team TAPS came to investigate. During their investigation they recorded a woman’s voice.
A shadow was also captured passing in front of a window as well as at the top of some stairs in the lighthouse.
A number of unusual sounds, none of which are threatening, have been heard in the lighthouse’s museum.
There are a number of options if you wanted to visit the lighthouse, but you’ll want to pay close attention to their Guided Tours. Take a look at their ‘Dark of the Moon Tour.’ It’s the only tour that can get you inside the lighthouse tower at night.
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