Are you looking to have some fun riding the rapids on the Chattahoochee River? How about checking out the local Riverwalk or visit the Coca-Cola Space Science Center?
If any of those things sound like fun you are probably heading to Columbus, Georgia. At least people looking for what can be considered normal fun will go those places and do those things.
Other people who are feeling adventurous or who simply like the feeling of being a little bit creeped out will visit one or more of the various spooky spots that Columbus, Georgia have on offer!
Join us as we explore the 7 most haunted places in Columbus, GA:
7 - Twin Chapel Creek
For those people that have a fear of clowns, Twin Chapel Creek is probably one place aside from a carnival that you’ll want to stay clear of! Reports from witnesses have claimed that the apparition of a clown sits along the creek bed in tears.
You can only see him at night. Other people claim that you can see a group of kids playing at the creek and if they spot you they will ask you to come to where they are so that you can see their house.
Furthermore, additional reports claim that you can hear the disembodied sounds of slaves that died in a tunnel near the creek screaming for help and moaning in pain.
6 - The Fisher House
Novice ghost hunters and professional paranormal investigators alike make their way regularly to the Fisher House. There have been a few extremely successful investigations at the Fisher House in the past where people have had things fall off of shelves and hit them.
People have also reported seeing ghostly apparitions, and there have also been various odd sounds that have been heard around the property. One team of investigators captured multiple EVPs of people speaking while investigating the home.
They managed to capture voices saying different things such as “Get this,” “back door,” “darn,” and “I didn’t win.” One sensitive who visited the property heard someone telling her not to touch things because they belonged to someone named Mary.
As it turns out a Mary did actually own the house in the past. On another occasion, while an investigating team was at the house they decided it was time to go to sleep. When they awoke the following morning one of the women’s Blue Tooth earpieces was missing.
Despite searching everywhere the team was never able to find them. People visiting the house have also stated that they smelled the unusual smell of urine as well as the smell of burnt wood.
5 - Crybaby Bridge

The stories associated with Crybaby Bridge vary depending on who you actually ask. There are stories that a baby accidentally drowned in the creek below the bridge while another story claims a mother drowned her infant intentionally.
The third story claims that a farmer who knew he and his wife would be unable to feed a fifth child conspired with his wife’s doctor to dispose of the extra mouth to feed. The doctor apparently took the baby to the bridge and threw the child over the bridge to down in the water below.
Regardless of the stories people have made claims over the years of hearing the sound of a baby crying when crossing the bridge or sitting on the bridge.
Other people have stated that if you stop your car while on the bridge there is no guarantee you will be able to turn it back on. There are also people who have said they have witnessed the ghost of a woman in white walking in the nearby woods.
4 - National Civil War Naval Museum
If you are looking for haunted locations in Columbus, Georgia and enjoy history a visit to the National Civil War Naval Museum should be on your itinerary. In the museum’s gift shop there is said to be a considerable amount of paranormal activity.
One particular incident proved to be rather painful for one female customer. While wandering around the gift shop a woman was hit directly between her shoulder blades when a book flew off a bookshelf and struck her.
Other books have also flown off of the bookshelves in the back of the gift shop. Those books travel as far as seven feet and sometimes land perfectly upright on other surfaces. At times books are randomly thrown into piles on the floor.
There is also a keyring display in the gift shop that will suddenly start spinning without air from a fan, air conditioner, or someone moving it.
3 - House of a Thousand Cadavers
It is probably pretty safe to assume that there would be paranormal activity of some kind at a place called the House of a Thousand Cadavers!
For many years people have reported hearing what sounds like someone or something moaning in the middle bedroom. There are cold spots throughout the building as well as doors that spontaneously slam when no one is around.
There are people who have been to this location who also claim that once you enter you will suddenly start to feel confused and some people even say that they feel as though they are going insane.
Paranormal investigators have captured orbs on film as well as ghostly shadows. Some people have heard unusual sounds throughout the house.
One group of investigators were cut and scratched while walking through the house and even saw multiple ghosts, including a young girl dressed in a blue dress.
2 - Jordan Vocational High School
Students attending the Jordan Vocational High School in Columbus get to experience something more than just interacting with teachers and fellow students. They also have the opportunity to potentially see one of the many ghosts that are said to be haunting the educational facility.
The most famous ghost that is said to be haunting the school is that of a former student. According to the stories she was sitting on the balcony watching her boyfriend as he performed in a play and she fell to her death when she stood up to cheer and yell his name.
People say that they have seen her wandering around the stage as well as hanging around on the balcony from which she fell. A male ghost is also said to haunt the school.
The young man was apparently killed when a metal rod impaled him when he was working in the construction room. When people see his apparition, they say that he appears to be holding his chest as though trying to stem the flow of blood from his wound.
It is also possible to hear him moaning in pain if you listen closely, even if you do not actually see his spirit.
1 - Springer Opera House
The Springer Opera House in Columbus, Georgia has been around for more than a century. The historical building has been host to some of the most famous personalities in entertainment.
It was also the location where actor Edwin Booth performed on many occasions. Based on the reports and claims made by a wide range of people over the years, Edwin Booth still spends quite a bit of his time at the famed Opera House.
For the most part, the spirit of Edwin Booth is very playful. He appears to have the most interaction with women whether they are guests, cast, crew, or staff members. He enjoys doing things to and with the props and the wardrobe.
Booth is not the only ghost in residence at the Springer Opera House; people have captured orbs of light on video. The orbs apparently bounced around a significant amount and even appeared to touch one of the people there at the time.
People have spotted a ghostly figure of a man standing on the stage at various times; he is not believed to be Edwin Booth. Additional activity in the upper floors, including the attic, as well as cold spots and doors slamming randomly make the Springer Opera House one of the most haunted places in Columbus GA.