One of the key reasons people visit the city is to take in all the sites and learn about its rich history. But ghost hunters and paranormal investigators visit to learn and explore New Orleans’ reputation as one of the most haunted cities in the US.
Let’s take a look at the most haunted places in New Orleans!
1. Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop

Anyone who makes their way to Bourbon Street should stop at one of the most haunted places in New Orleans. Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop dates back to 1722. Some say it holds the oldest bar in the United States.
Jean Lafitte, a pirate, reportedly used the hotel to cover his smuggling business in its heyday. Patrons of the bar state if you are in Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop long enough to enjoy a drink or two, you will see Jean Lafitte right before your eyes, in his full pirate garb.
Lafitte is not the only one to haunt the location, as the spirit of an unknown woman haunts the upstairs.
2. Old Absinthe House

The Old Absinthe House was built over 200 years ago in the French Quarter. For more than 200 years, many famous people have made their way to the Old Absinthe House.
Famous people include Mark Twain, General Robert E. Lee, P.T. Barnum, Oscar Wilde, Jean Lafitte, and Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau. The building served as a type of store, coffee house, and bar throughout its history.
With so many people in and out of the Old Absinthe House, it is no surprise that some of the former patrons and guests come back to visit.
It is said that the ghosts of Andrew Jackson and Jean Lafitte are seen on the premises. People have witnessed everything from chairs, to bottles, to glasses moving about the bar on their own.
The random opening and closing of doors is another common occurrence.
Patrons have also stated they have heard disembodied laughter, seen the ghost of a child running around one of the floors, and a woman in a long white dress.
3. St Louis Cemetery No. 1

New Orleans is as well-known for Mardi Gras and the French Quarter for the city’s cemeteries. The cemeteries are filled with graves housed above ground due to the city sitting below sea level.
One cemetery, the St. Louis Cemetery No 1, receives an excessive amount of visitors. These visitors were not looking to pay their respects to departed loved ones as much as they came to visit the tomb of New Orleans’ Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau.
Many believe if you knock three times, write “XXX” on the tomb, hit three times yet again, and leave an offering, whatever you wish for will be granted. Some say there is an unusual feeling around her tomb.
Other people visiting the cemetery may cross paths with the ghosts of people who have perished from yellow fever or soldiers from the Civil War.
4. The Gardette-LePretre Mansion

The Gardette-LaPretre Mansion ranks among the most unusual haunted houses in New Orleans. Also called the Sultan’s Palace, the Gardette-LaPretre Mansion has an unusual history.
According to the most popular lore, back in the 1800s, a mysterious man with ties to the Sultan of Turkey came to the French Quarter and rented the mansion.
He and his harem of women and servants moved in and lived a life of relative luxury. Throwing extravagant parties was a common occurrence at the mansion. One party ended on a highly tragic note. Everyone at the party had been murdered, including what master of the property. He was found buried in the backyard.
Paranormal activity at the location includes the screams of those who perished at the party and the man some call the “Sultan.” Other people have claimed that the ghosts they have encountered are soldiers from the Civil War.
5. The Jimani House

The Jimani House used to be called the UpStairs Lounge. People visiting the French Quarter knew it was a well-known gay bar.
Sadly it was not just a place for people to cut loose as someone decided to set fire to the club on June 24, 1973. The fire took the lives of 32 bar patrons.
People who come to relax and knock back a few at Jimani Bar are said sometimes to feel or hear the presence of those that lost their lives in the fire. Patrons to the Jimani Bar claim the spirits send a message that they do not want to be forgotten.
6. The Beauregard-Keyes House

The Beauregard-Keyes House was home to Francis Keyes as well as Confederate General Pierre G.T.Beauregard at different times. Caretakers of the house claim the ghosts of Lucky, Francis Keyes’ dog, and a cat wanders around the property.
Other guests to the location claim they have heard the sound of someone playing fiddle and loud footsteps.
Further claims state the ghost of bloody soldiers wander the grounds while the spirits of other soldiers appear to be staring off into the distance.
Some people have stated they have heard an old battle in the distance at night. It’s without a doubt one of New Orleans’ most haunted houses!
7. New Orleans Pharmacy Museum

The first fully licensed pharmacist was Louis Joseph Dufilho, Jr., in 1816. Dufilho opened a pharmacy. His pharmacy sold a variety of medicines and voodoo potions.
Dufilho quit the business and sold it to Dr. Dupas as the years passed. Stories about Dr. Dupas claim that he liked to do an assortment of experiments on pregnant enslaved people.
The extent of his evil ways remains a mystery. What is not a mystery is the unusual collection of items housed in the museum. Along with standard medicine bottles and the like are things such as bone saws, which make a person want to cringe.
Along with the mementos and different items in the museum are the ghosts of two children often seen playing outside. The children are believed to be related to Dufilho as two of his children passed away in the building.
Additional activity includes books being thrown, display items moving on their own, and alarms going off. All of these activities are said to be caused by the spirit of Dr. Dupas.
8. LaLaurie Mansion

When checking out the haunted locations in New Orleans, one cannot forget to check out the LaLaurie Mansion.
Built back in 1832 for Dr. Leonard Louise LaLaurie and his wife Delphine LaLaurie, many mysterious stories are attached to the mansion.
The most horrifying story attached to the mansion is related to the kitchen fire and the subsequent discovery of a torture room.
It was no secret that the LaLauries owned several slaves. What no one knew until after the fire was that the LaLauries had a room where they tortured some of those slaves.
Some of the stories state the slaves were malnourished and chained to the walls, while other reports claim that dismembered body parts were found in the room.
People who have had the opportunity to visit the mansion’s interior state can hear eerie sounds and what sounds like slaves at work.
9. Muriel’s Séance Lounge

The story behind Muriel’s Séance Lounge is rather sad. Back in 1788, Pierre Antoine Lepardi Jourdan purchased the building. Not long after, one of the worst fires in New Orleans took place on Good Friday.
Undeterred, Jourdan rebuilt and made the building his home. Despite rebuilding after the fire, Jourdan risked his home when playing poker, and the results were not good. He lost his beloved home to someone else after a risky bet.
So upset over the loss of his home Jourdan took his life. Reports state he hung himself on the second floor.
Today the building is a restaurant and lounge. People come to Muriel’s in hopes of contacting Jourdan via séances. There is a considerable amount of paranormal activity at the location, either due to the séances or restless spirits.
People have heard a woman’s voice knocking on the walls during some of these séances.
Other patrons and employees say it is not unusual to see things flying through the air both inside the building and outside in the courtyard.
One irate spirit enjoys shattering glasses against the courtyard’s brick wall!
10. Hotel Monteleone

Dating back to the 1880s, the Hotel Monteleone has undergone many renovations and expansions. It has also become one of the most popular hotels and most haunted places in New Orleans.
The Hotel Monteleone is famous for its Carousel Bar and famous guests and the number of spirits that remain permanent hotel residents.
One ghost that remains at the hotel, wandering the halls, is a former employee named “Red.” Many children who died in the hotel from yellow fever have frequently been seen in the hotel on the 13th floor.
According to people who have worked for the Hotel Monteleone, the bar is a favorite spot for ghosts to appear and quickly disappear. [CHECK AVAILABILITY]
Read more about the haunted Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans
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