Located at the top of College Hill, overlooking the seemingly sleepy town of Williamson, West Virginia, lies a building that’s teeming with paranormal activity. This old hospital has featured on paranormal TV shows, most recently on Destination Fear, where the team was convinced that there are several dark entities haunting the old hospital’s rooms and hallways.
The people of Williamson often report seeing lights turning on and off, people staring out of the windows, and shadow figures in the dead of night. The Williamson Police Department has been called on several occasions only to find nobody in the building and no signs of entry.
Although there are a number of entities/spirits reportedly haunting this old hospital, it’s believed the ghost of a former nurse is behind most of the activity. She is believed to have died in the hospital during one of her shifts and is known to appear as if she’s still doing her rounds.
One really creepy run-in with this nurse occurred several years prior to the hospital closing. A mother who had just given birth was waiting in one of the patient rooms when a nurse walked in to tell her that she could go home and she would be able to see her baby tomorrow. On her way out of the doors a nurse ran to stop her asking her where she was going, the lady stated, “The nurse told me to leave.” The nurse replied, “What nurse? I’m the only nurse on the floor today.”
Doctors and hospital staff would often see her as well, going about her business, as usual, years after her death! On one occasion during renovations on the fourth floor, a workman witnessed the full-bodied apparition of a nurse “gliding” down the end of the corridor. On inspection, as nobody should have been there, the workman couldn’t find her anywhere, and there were no exit doors she could have used!
A visit to the x-ray room will likely pit you against a male entity, which has been described by a medium as “unfriendly”, wanting the team/crew that were investigating to get out! His face is known to appear on the wall to people visiting this room on tours.
In the basement, the apparition of a female spirit has been seen “floating”, and a disembodied voice was captured recently here saying “Help Me!”
Whilst using the elevators people have witnessed figures and strange lights through the elevator windows on floors that are completely closed off! To add, the elevators would stop on closed-off floors, which would point to someone or something pressing the elevator call button on those supposedly empty floors!
Are you ready to take on this incredibly haunted building? If you’re feeling particularly brave try a lone vigil in the x-ray room!
Tickets are extremely limited for this event!
Book now, if you dare!