Want to Be Listed On the No.1 Haunted Accommodation Directory in the US?

Want to expand your reach to a new audience? Does your hotel/inn/b&b have a possible haunting? Don’t mind talking about it? Want to receive more bookings from respectful guests? If you answered yes to all the above, then being featured on the premier haunted accommodation directory is a perfect solution!

What Our Current Clients Say

We have been listed on HauntedRooms for over 3 years now and we’re very happy with the traffic we have been getting.

Dennis, Janice & Anna Fitzgerald / By the Side of the Road Inn, Harrisonburg, VA

HauntedRooms have been a delight to work with, they have been very accommodating with regards changes to our listing, and traffic has continued to rise. We even got a mention on a popular viral website which saw our bookings increase massively.

Maria Schmidt / Seven Sisters Inn, Ocala, FL

Why Add your Hotel to Haunted Rooms?

  • We receive over 100,000 visitors per month from all over the US with some global visitors too, all with a keen interest in staying in a historic accommodation like yours. So you will receive excellent exposure!
  • An increase in guest bookings!
  • The added exposure on a well established site such as this one will grab the attention of national publications and high traffic sites.
  • You will receive a big boost in terms of search engine rankings as our site has great authority within Google!

What's Included?

  • A unique web address: https://www.hauntedrooms.com/YourHotel
  • One large listing, created by our team.
  • Up to eight photographs.
  • Extensive hotel details including; hotel history, about the hotel, features, reports of paranormal goings-on, room tariffs, and things to do in the area.
  • Full contact information with hyperlinks back to your company website.
  • No commissions (Zero/Nada) – All customers will be sent directly to you or your booking provider to book.
  • Inclusion in our state/city categories.

Attracting the Right Guests!

If you’re worried about scaring away visitors with a listing on our site, don’t be! We only include what you want us to include, and if your resident spirit is a friendly one, we will make that abundantly clear on your listing!

Also, as we’re such a specialized site, your usual traveler (whether that be business or leisure) will not find out about your spirits unless they search really hard to find them.

The only people that will find out about your ghosts are the ones that are searching for them!

How to Apply

Simply email us at support@hauntedrooms.com with your hotel name, your name, position, email address and tel no. and a member of the team will get back to you.